Ontario New Homes Warranty Program: 1,2 and 7 year coverage. The Contractor is deemed to provide statutory warranty coverage as described by the Ontario New Warranties Plan Act.
One Year Warranty.
Requires a home be constructed in a workmanlike manner and free from defects in material; protects against unauthorized substitutions; requires the home to be fit for habitation; protects against Ontario Building Code violations; and applies for one year, beginning on the homes date of possession even if the home is sold.
Two Year Warranty.
Protects against water penetration through the basement or foundation walls; protects against defects in material that affect windows, doors and caulking and defects in work that results in water penetration into the building envelope; covers defects in work or materials in the electrical, plumbing and heating delivery and distribution system; covers defects in work or material that result in the detachment, displacement or exterior
cladding(such as brickwork, aluminum or vinyl siding); protects against violations of the Ontario Building Code that affect health and safety; and Applies for two years, beginning on the home’s date of possession.
Seven Year Warranty.
Covers major structural defects (MDS) and begins on the date you take possession of the home and ends on the day before the seventh anniversary of that date. For Example, if your home’s date of possession is October 23, 2005, the seven year MSD warranty begins on October 23, 2005 and remains in effect until and including October 22, 2012. A major structural defect is defined in the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act as: In respect of a post June 30, 2012 home, any defect in work or materials in respect of a building, including a crack, distortion or replacement of a structural load-bearing element of the building.
If it, (i) results in failure of a structural load-bearing element of the building, (ii) material and adversely affects the ability of a structural load- bearing element of the building to carry, bear and resist applicable structural loads for the usual and ordinary service life of the element, or (iii) materially and adversely affects the use of a significant portion of the building for usual and ordinary purposes of a residential dwelling and having regard to any specific use provisions set out in the purchase of agreement for the home. The seven year MSD warranty includes significant damage due to soil movement*, major cracks in basement walls, collapse or serious distortion of joints or roof structure and chemical failure of materials. In addition to the general exclusions, seven year MDS warranty specifically excludes: dampness not arising from failure of a Load-bearing portion of the building; damage to drains or services; and damage to finishes.
All features described above are as per applicable plan from standards.